What happens when you get what you want?

From the exhausted minds of the producers who are largely responsible for the very things they now mock, comes the antepenultimate cinematic saga that's tearing at the very fabric of the New York City techno scene, exposing its seedy, self-indulgent underbelly: KET GALA.

On April 29, 2023, UNTERversal Studios will premiere its epic 9-hour, 4-floor durationally-accusatorial deep-techno cinematic extravaganza that attempts to subvert—if only on film—every possible notion of what UNTERversal Studios itself has ever accomplished.

CARPET DIEM, a Red Carpet performance by Linux, Nirco and MEGAN, will be held from 1am to 3am.

🍿 RATED [Y™]
Tickets may be purchased here.
QTPOC discounts are available; get in touch with your soc. med. coordinates.
A portion of the evening's profits will be donated to the Ali Forney Center and their continued valiant efforts.

Dress code: Twisted Gala, Red Carpet Trash, Stunty & Cunty, Gaylebrity, Chaotic Bisexual Swimwear, Princess Special K, Naked. Dress code is not mandatory, but it helps—pls make an effort. Sensible footwear encouraged.