- - please download & study this Rave Ethics Guide before attending - -

Dear Fiends, Monsters, and Ghosts of UNTERs Past,

We take no small pleasure in announcing that, this Halloween, UNTER will invade the motherlode of world club life, the cradle of queer dance civilization, the city that never sleeps—Manhattan.

That's right, folks... we're are taking Manhattan! Not the whole thing though. Specifically we'll be taking Hell's Kitchen, Midtown's once-seedy underbelly where some of us would, as teenagers, sneak into its now-shuttered and long-forgotten mega clubs of yore (yeah, we're old)...

BEHOLD sprawling architectural splendors whilst raving in an early 20th century textile mill. Like, the whole-ass building, ghourl. 4 (count them, FOUR) actual entire floors for our spooky fetish-wear-only techno bacchanal all-nighter.

WITNESS the thrilling and emotional return of UNTER's Slambient Room, The Nursery, along with several other... rooms with... insufficient lighting.

EXPECT to see the heart of the party—our stellar residents, some heavyweight US queer scene staples, and surprise guests from far, far away—shredding all night long in their latex and leather best.

EXPERIENCE the continued legacy of those historic and fabled UNTER Halloween rages that have surely been recounted to you by some old cringe ppl at the clerb...

SAVE the date: Saturday, October 30th.

Please note: promoters lead complicated lives; locations and line-ups are subject to change.
